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Happy 10th - 7:02 p.m. , 2012-01-10

Wow - 6:22 p.m. , 2010-09-23

happy anniversary to me! - 9:13 p.m. , 2008-08-22

Ahhh, much better - 7:58 p.m. , 2007-11-03

I bought a house - 8:25 p.m. , 2007-07-20

2002-04-04 - 8:04 p.m.

Now playing: "Remember Morning Moon" from the Sailor Moon R movie. Eep, now Ticket to My House" by Nerissa and Katryna Nields, from the most excellent album _Love and China_.






I've been going full-throttle at work for the past month (oddly enough, coinciding with no longer being able to use IRC) and am just wiped. Today I felt so bad that I left at 2. I was all set to relax the rest of the afternoon away at home, but at 5, Granny called me saying her clicker was broken and she was locked out of her house, and that she was at her neighbor's, who'd used Granny's cell phone to call me. So, I went up to Granny's to find her inside (her neighbor had a key which she'd forgotten about). Come to find out that she doesn't have keys to her own house. Figures. I did find the guts of her broken clicker in a basket on the stairs, so I was able to put it back together and leave.

So, that was a lovely hour-and-a-half jaunt which I didn't anticipate, and I still didn't feel very good while I was out driving. Bleh.


My blood sugar has been a few points lower than usual yesterday and today, so I had some maple syrup with the yogurt, Grape Nuts, and berries I had for dinner (because I was too tired to cook anything upon returning from Granny's). I wonder if that will make me feel better or worse. I've had it before with no ill effect.


The way I feel right now, though, at 8:10, I could just go to bed. *sigh*

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