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Happy 10th - 7:02 p.m. , 2012-01-10

Wow - 6:22 p.m. , 2010-09-23

happy anniversary to me! - 9:13 p.m. , 2008-08-22

Ahhh, much better - 7:58 p.m. , 2007-11-03

I bought a house - 8:25 p.m. , 2007-07-20

2002-02-24 - 7:54 p.m.

Now playing: One of Grampa's discs, Chopin cello and piano music with Emmanuel Ax and Yo Yo Ma.


Appropriate that I'm listening to Grampa's music. This morning I opened the latest packet of mail forwarded from his attorney's office.

In there was a letter from the Holocaust Victims Claim Litigation Council or whatever it is in Switzerland(read here about it) saying that they were awarding Grampa $193,000. I shit you not. They theoretically will award 35% now, and 65% later after all the other initial claims have been paid at 35%.

They said the bank records did not list any balances, so they are using the average value of accounts back then, which was something like 13,000 Swiss francs. They multiplied that by 11.

Can you say, stunned? I just about fell over. When we filled out the form last January, Grampa was convinced nothing would come of it as he thought there was no money in those accounts. Well, well, well.

Of course, the fact that he's dead now complicates matters, as who is next in line? His heirs or his sister, daughter of the Account Owner? I know Aunt Ruth somehow formally asked to be included on the claim somehow months after Grampa and I had filed it, but I never heard anything on if they were succesful or not.

As soon as I read the barest of words, I called Karen. I'm going to fax the letter to her tomorrow.

Melanie, if you're reading this before we talk about it on the conference call Tuesday, don't say anything to Jen or Dad, please.

This doesn't really have much impact, sadly. Whatever money comes out of this will go into the trust.

I do want to somehow share it with Aunt Ruth and her family, though.


In other news, I walked with Kate at Forest Park today. We walked too fast or something...when we got into my car I was shaky and sweaty. I dropped her off at her parent's house, and I felt even worse, so I ate 6 of my emergency LifeSavers (haha) I keep in my coat. I felt better when I got home, but man! that was Not Fun.


Finally, Mom's birthday and our celebration thereof is turning out to be a major PITA. Melanie's not available till after 1, Mom doesn't want to have anyone over to her house, which makes present delivery (it's going to be big and bulky) a royal bitch, etc etc etc. I'm tempted to say bollocks to the whole thing, here's a check, go buy your own present.



This black mood is not lifting. *grumble*

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