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Happy 10th - 7:02 p.m. , 2012-01-10

Wow - 6:22 p.m. , 2010-09-23

happy anniversary to me! - 9:13 p.m. , 2008-08-22

Ahhh, much better - 7:58 p.m. , 2007-11-03

I bought a house - 8:25 p.m. , 2007-07-20

2003-09-29 - 7:50 p.m.

Now playing: "Red Wing" from the _Mother Maybelle Carter_ double LP I got from eBay. Oh, how I like it!!


Not much news to report. Severe vacationitis. Taking Weds. off for car work - the 30,000 mile service, plus investigation of the failing blower motor. Having a failing blower motor is not good in the morning, when my windshield tends to fog up. Grrrrr.


Got new glasses Friday night. It's taking me a long time to adjust. I'm hoping there's nothing wrong with them, or with the prescription I got. How I hate trying to resolve eye trouble. It's such a pain. I can see clearer...I think...and my old glasses seem blurry...but should my eyes be sore???????


Mmmm, "Wildwood Flower". I don't think I'll ever tire of this song. I even played it on my autoharp last weekend - and sang along, too. My neighbors should beware. :D

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