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Happy 10th - 7:02 p.m. , 2012-01-10

Wow - 6:22 p.m. , 2010-09-23

happy anniversary to me! - 9:13 p.m. , 2008-08-22

Ahhh, much better - 7:58 p.m. , 2007-11-03

I bought a house - 8:25 p.m. , 2007-07-20

2003-05-27 - 8:24 p.m.

Now playing: Jian Ghomeshi's 10/27/01 Iron Horse show, specifically, "I Will Hold On".

I just became a gold member. Look at the picture I have hanging on my living room wall.


Ah, it's so nice that I *finally* got the videotape for that show a year and a half after I helped shoot it. So prompt. *grumble*

But I finally do have it! And it's great. The audio isn't as good as I'd have hoped - the level was set a bit too high so some stuff is a bit muddy - but beggars can't be choosers so I'm very glad to have my birthday show. :)


Let's see, what else. I bought a digital camera - a Minolta Dimage S414. It's 4 megapixels and quite adequate for my needs. I buoght it to use at my college reunion this upcoming weekend. Plus, I'd been wanting a digital camera like forEVER.

Bought a new pillow, too, at Costco - another viscoelastic foam pillow - and the damned thing is so stiff I kept waking up last night. I hope it's better tonight.


If my boss keeps asking me when I'm going to have Project X done, I'm going to smack him upside the head. Today he interrupted me twice to ask. WTF, Chuck?


Auntie Val was down this weekend. Sunday night, she, Mom, and myself went to see the movie _Anger Management_ with Jack Nicholson and Adam Sandler. It was wildly funny - waaaay better than I thought it would be. It was a nice change.

Had sushi with Karen on Monday. Yum, yum. Wish Paul and Andrea had been able to join us, but I'm sure they will again. :)


So, the plan is to leave Friday morning for Drew. I should arrive there around noon. I am pretty sure I can take Route 84 to Route 87 and then hook up with 287. That will be awesome if it works.

I should be home sometime Sunday late afternoon or early Sunday evening. I'm going to try and meet up with one of my diabetic chat friends in Danbury.

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