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Happy 10th - 7:02 p.m. , 2012-01-10

Wow - 6:22 p.m. , 2010-09-23

happy anniversary to me! - 9:13 p.m. , 2008-08-22

Ahhh, much better - 7:58 p.m. , 2007-11-03

I bought a house - 8:25 p.m. , 2007-07-20

2002-10-13 - 7:54 p.m.

Now playing: The Nields, "Cool In The Backseat" off the chronological anthology disc I made.

And at the end of the entry, Marly Hornik's "Say You Do".


Speaking of TN, the sisters' concert last weekend was just wonderful. The two sets were full of energy; Katryna played a drum on one song, and solo grand piano while singing another. I went with Melanie, and met up with my Fruvous friends Brenda and Susan. We had a great time. We managed to get the same table for both sets - right next to the railing on the first floor, three tables back from the stage on the non-dance floor part of the Iron Horse.

So, after the show let out, I was wiped. We had just left the IH when I thought to go back in and snag a big Love and China poster from the wall. So I did, and Nerissa was sitting on the stage coiling up cables. So, as I'm taking down the poster, I asked her, "Should I hang it in my living room next to Greta or in my office next to IYLHYBH?" and she thought for a moment and said, "Office." I was instantly mortified as soon as I stopped talking. What kind of stalker fan was I making myself out to be????

So Melanie and Brenda and Susan assured me that I'd done no wrong, but I was still tortured about then I proved I was a creepy stalker fan -- I wrote her a note in care of her management. And I mailed it. *sigh* Lord knows what she thinks of me now...but do I really care? I guess I kind of do. I used my nicest stationery (Crane Ecru notes with gold edging) and my fountain pen.

I wonder if I'll get a response, or just odd looks the next time I see her.


Speaking of fountain pens, I got my Cross Century II back from the factory yesterday. They put on a new nib for $35.00...which is just a hair more than the replacement I'd already gotten on eBay... Now, what will I do with two fountain pens??? I am thinking of getting some nice green ink for the newly-nibbed one and using it to take meeting notes with at work. Or I suppose I could just keep it in reserve until this one breaks. Hm, maybe I'll do that.


So I'm still buried at work. I had thought about putting in some overtime today, but since I don't get paid for it, and since I have been really worn out lately (thus the lack of updates), I said, well, YKWIS...and stayed home and drank coffee and watched TV. This afternoon Kate and I had a late lunch at the Cracker Barrel and I had potato products! And a biscuit! I thought my 2-hour post-prandial reading would be sky-high but it was only 105, which is great!


Finally got to Trader Joe's yesterday. :D I bought 9 frozen pizzas! :D Don't quite know how I managed to spend $155 on four (albeit heavy) grocery bags.

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