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Happy 10th - 7:02 p.m. , 2012-01-10

Wow - 6:22 p.m. , 2010-09-23

happy anniversary to me! - 9:13 p.m. , 2008-08-22

Ahhh, much better - 7:58 p.m. , 2007-11-03

I bought a house - 8:25 p.m. , 2007-07-20

2002-04-21 - 9:05 p.m.

Now playing: Benny Goodman. I don't know the track name.


So, those sunglasses I ordered at Costo? Um, yeah. The twinkie clerk didn't specify sunglasses, so when I went to pick them up today, they were just normal glasses. D'oh!!! *grumble* I knew I should have verified the order with her before I walked off. At least this time I had the presence of mind to make sure the prescription was correct before I left the counter.

Of course, I don't want to pay more at Costco so they can pay their employees more and thus hire a better caliber of associate. Heh. Want, want, want, but don't want to pay for any of it!

Speaking of Costco, I have kicked the pita chip and dip habit.

So, while I was at Costco today, I did a bit of shopping. They're now carrying Splenda. Yay! 700 packets for $14, whereas at Stupor Stop and Shop, they're like 100 packets for $4.69. Uh, what else did I buy? Baby greens salad mix, canned chicken, and 2 pounds of grape tomatoes. I will be having salad for lunch this week in an effort to reduce carbohydrate consumption.

I spent a good hour today chopping vegetables (celery and cucumbers), draining chick peas and black olives, hard-boiling some eggs, and broiling some chicken left over from the other night, all for use in lunch salads. Should be good. I also got some crumbled gorgonzola. Yum! I just have to be careful and not add too much chicken and/or egg to the salad. Don't want it to be too heavy in fat or protein.


And speaking of chicken, the reason it was leftover is because Friday night I had Kate, Nikki, and Kevin over for dinner. I made Country French Chicken and it turned out really well. The prep work was kind of tough since I only had about a square foot of counter space to use, and since I don't have a large skillet or a stove large enough to accommodate a large skillet, I had to use two frying pans kitty-cornened on the burners. Despite all those trials and tribulations, it was really good, and I'd make it again. I don't think I'd add the carrots, though, and I might use more wine and simmer it for a bit longer so that the chicken absorbs some of the wine's flavor.

I love the show that the recipe came from. Rachel Ray rocks. So funny, so down to earth, and, um, easy to look at too.


This weekend has been really weird for me. I've been so tired for no reason. My sugar's been fine, I walked yesterday (in Forest Park and today (at Costo and SS & S :D ) but yet I dozed a lot yesterday afternoon and today was tiiiiiired after I finished all that lunch preparation. I've slept okay, too. One thought I had is that maybe my allergies are acting up. I'd also like to think that my allergies have caused my recent slight weight gain (instead of those cursed pita chips and dip) but I don't think that will wash. :D

I'm thinking about asking my doctor for a prescription antihistamine, with the caveat that it be one my drug plan supports. Tufts HMO does NOT pay for Claritin or Allegra. Bastiges! I'll have to ask about Clarinex. Or, heaven forfend, maybe there are ones that aren't heavily advertised that work just as well and are cheaper! All I know is that he told me not to take OTC stuff.

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