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Happy 10th - 7:02 p.m. , 2012-01-10

Wow - 6:22 p.m. , 2010-09-23

happy anniversary to me! - 9:13 p.m. , 2008-08-22

Ahhh, much better - 7:58 p.m. , 2007-11-03

I bought a house - 8:25 p.m. , 2007-07-20

2000-10-17 - 9:03 a.m. ish

Now playing: _Cosmic Thing_ by the B-52's. How I love this album; memories of the summer of 1990 come flooding back every time I listen to it. Memories of waiting for the Dickinson bus to come to take me downtown, so I could catch the shuttle van to my temp job in Holyoke. It cracks me up in retrospect that I got that job solely on my WP5.1 skills...I guess being a word processor had a lot more cachet back then.


This is a special At Work Edition of my diary...I've been too busy or too wiped at night to write an entry since last week.


Let me just say that the three Nields shows this weekend ROCKED hardcore. I think they are the equivalent of Fruvous' Noho 98 Iron Horse shows. A *lot* of Nookers were at this show,I think this was the largest gathering ever, and it gave a real feeling of cohesiveness and community. I met lots of great people that I'd only known online. It was awesome.


So since Drea was coming down from Toronto for these shows and crashing at my place,I asked her to pick me up some stuff from Lush, since Amanda's raved about it since forever. I got some Fig Leaves soap,and some Red Rice soap. I've tried the Fig one. It smells nicely, but damn are those fig seeds sharp! I keep expecting to see bloody scratches all over my body after using the stuff. I hope the Red Rice kind is a bit gentler.


Conehead gave me a Nields videotape at Andrianna's party. I have yet to find the time to watch the thing. It's of their Gettysburg (?) performance, or their show at the Getty Center..something like that; I'm not entirely sure as I was quite exhausted when he gave it to me.


Grampa called me Sunday night on my cellphone as I was standing outside the IH after the show.

He started a fire in his apartment by accident (of course) the other day...he put a hot pan down on a piece of paper and it burst into flame without him realizing it..he had just sat back down in his chair when the alarm started going off. Grampa couldn't open his kitchen fire extinguisher which he bought 20 years ago. The security uard came and put out the fire, and the Fire Department came, etc, etc. There's no damage and he's fine.



Tonight Melanie and I are taking Granny to dinner at Taipei Tokyo in NOrthampton in honor of Granny's 84th birthday. We can have sushi, and Granny can have her beloved chicken chow mein. She's of the generation when Chinese food was an exotic novelty.


Okay, time to get back to work. Hasta.

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