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Happy 10th - 7:02 p.m. , 2012-01-10

Wow - 6:22 p.m. , 2010-09-23

happy anniversary to me! - 9:13 p.m. , 2008-08-22

Ahhh, much better - 7:58 p.m. , 2007-11-03

I bought a house - 8:25 p.m. , 2007-07-20

2003-07-20 - 8:55 p.m.

Now playing: the MP3 disc 1 of Wagner's Ring cycle, on disc 2 of Das Rheingold. Yay!


So I am about 95 percent recovered from my cold. I'm still a little phlegmy. Aren't you glad I shared that?


I am SO PROUD of myself. I rode my exercise bike both days this weekend. I've had real motivation problems using it since I got back from my college reunion at the beginning of June such that I've hardly used it 6 or 8 times since then. And I've put on some weight, which is most annoying. I have no idea how much - only a few pounds I hope - but I sure can notice them, and it depresses me greatly. I'm hoping that more, um, frequent exercise will reverse this.

BUT! I will win. I won't give up.

Two people recently have told me I've inspired them to be healthier. I couldn't believe it. Me? It's a weird, weird feeling, but it's nice.


I bought a bunch of crap this weekend. Yesterday I got a George Foreman grill (the 5-burger size one) at Wal*mart. I've used it twice to okay results. I'll get better with it with time. Let's see...also got a new set of drinking glasses, a new bathroom rug, a wire mesh magnetic basket for the freezer door, new water filters for the coffee maker, a sauce ladle, and silver polish.

This afternoon I polished the silver set. What a thankless job that was. Took me about 2 hours, but damn, does it shine.

I also did three loads of miscellaneous laundry that had accumulated. Gosh, but the machines here in the complex suck. I had to send two loads through the dryer twice, and they weren't large loads. Towels and blankets..but cycle on high should do it.


Last night I watched "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" on Bravo. It's a show where 5 gay men revamp a straight guy's living space, wardrobe, and appearance. While it was amusing, the stereotypes presented on it made me sick. Not just for the artsy-fartsy gay guys, but for the poor schlub of the straight guy, too. Not all gay men are fashionable, and not all straight men are slobs with no sense of style or ability to keep things clean. Geeze.


Tommorrow at work our CEO and President is visiting on his first trip to our office. We all have to wear business casual outfits (normally we're a notch or two below that) PLUS we're having a cookout. That means I get to get all greasy and smoky in nice clothes. I can hardly wait. Bah! It'd better be worth it.

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