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Happy 10th - 7:02 p.m. , 2012-01-10

Wow - 6:22 p.m. , 2010-09-23

happy anniversary to me! - 9:13 p.m. , 2008-08-22

Ahhh, much better - 7:58 p.m. , 2007-11-03

I bought a house - 8:25 p.m. , 2007-07-20

2003-06-19 - 8:43 p.m.

Now playing: "White Cliffs of Dover" by Eric Jackson. Johnson? Whatever.


So Dad's departure date is either Monday or Tuesday. I can't believe he's actually going. I'm going to miss him and his drop-in-unannounced ways.

It will be hard to adjust. I was young when Karen and Jen moved out west - I never really knew a daily life with them. The only local family will be Granny (for who knows how much longer), Mom, and Melanie. What will become of Christmas Eve? *sigh* I'll have to start some new traditions, I guess. This just seems to make me have to face how alone I really am, and I don't like it.


I can't wait for vacation the first week of July. I'm going to Bar Harbor for this year's Words-L fest, aptly named Acadiafest. Jury duty on 6/30 better not screw anything up.

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